Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here's a design that is from Tramp Warner's Mild to Wild. It looks like a monkey to me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why paint?

I think that the art of painting is magical. Just a person, a brush and some paint. Throw in some imagination and you create something. That's it.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010


One thing that I have discovered during my pursuit of the brush is that other artist are willing to help you learn to stripe. Also there is the tradition of giving things to other artist, paints, books or even art work. There are panel jams across the country where pinstripers gather to paint and to raise money for local charities.

Today I was able to give one the people following my blog a gift. So if you find something interesting and comment you might get a gift.

Gold Leaf

Guilding or gold leafing might be the highest form of the sign painters art.

This picture shows the size. Basically it's a varnish that I tinted with a little black paint. The size needs to be tinted so that you can see where you applied it. Also the tinting will help you see any 'holidays' or places where the leaf did not adhere.

This is a picture after the gold leaf is applied and the excess has been removed.

Yes it's real gold.

The finished product outlined in black.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tiki Time

I finished up a tiki panel I was working on. Originally I add a pink/magenta pinstirpe but I didn't like the color and thought that the design was a little weak on the top. So, off it came and an ivory line went on.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Delivery Day

This is the bowling pin that I painted for one of Jen's fathers bowling friends.

After I dropped it off we went out to John's shop to work on the paint kit he is helping me with.

While I was delivering the pin FedEX brought me some new brushes and mixing cups.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Panel 1

The first panel to post. One color, coral.

A can of paint and a brush.

Several years ago I had my car pinstriped and wanted to learn myself. But I never made the time until recently. Last weekend I striped with two of the top pinstriping artist in the country, Brian Papa and Tramp Warner, at the World of Wheels in ATL. Here is one of the panels that I painted. In spite of everyone warning me to watch the crossovers. I managed to miss the last one.

Why Tsquare, well writing Kurtis all over stuff looks funny to me and many pinstripers have a tag or nickname. Tsquare represents my Architectural background and that at my first panel jam I took a T-square with me, gotta keep those straight lines in line!

So grab a brush and join me.